Saturday, February 5, 2022


America the Beautiful (1991) Greenhouse Effect Music ; Clark Hagins from Naruto Suzuki Japan on Vimeo #Crypto 

13,024,045 Views - 2005 Youtube Video - "America The Beautiful" comes from February 1991's "Going Legit" album from Greenhouse Effect. This album of course today is an 8 song classic that has now become more like a difficult to find still in print relic of a cassette as well as the limited 'Black and white" Cd's that were printed up in March of 91'. "This is the album where we found drummer Martin Silva from San Pedro,..." says Clark Higgins. "I think it was either in the Recycler or 'Music Connection' or maybe Bam Magazine,..'can't remember",..but we jammed with him in like March 91' June... The 'Going Legit' album would contain some instantly recognizable melodic songs that have become G.e. trademark hallmarks among them 'Ben is dead', Star, Hey Negrita, Wilson Phillips, God's Joke, and Dead End Street. "Its an all star album" quips Higgins "Don't fer'get, also has the classic "22nd Street' on it too as well !!"   #Nft #MusicNft #Node

"Going Legit" was an 8 song "condensed" version of a much longer concept album ,... THE ROCK OPERA WHITE SUBURBAN LIARS ,..which Hagins struggled to trim down the very long idea ,..and get the whole project under control,..

 From September of 1990 until March of 91', the band consisted of a two piece,..of course doing a classic interview with The Redondo Beach Hometown news and Easy Reader among others as they tried to explain their bizarre politics and new 'grungey' guitar dominated band's sound which at the time, they struggled for a genre label for,...of course also struggling to 'get' a record label of any kind to sign them and their great music as well.

"Those were tough times" says Hagins "We had just had a nasty parting of ways with Phil Keegan who to me is a soul brother in this business,...but at the time and moment,..way back then, just was 'the way it was',..I agonized for years,..I always wanted to jam with Flipper again,.. but it just never happened or materialized..." me and Ted played with drummer Mike Valencia from about Oct of 90 til January 91'...maybe..we wrote MORE songs 'in the garage' at 251 in Torrance in the meantime,.. I'm certain we did ",.
In the South Bay area of Redondo Beach, Torrance , and Lomita Calif,. "Going Legit' was greeted at local record shops with eager sales in a musical time when "80's heavy metal" music dominated but and was beginning to sound boring and new underground bands were creeping up and building followings,...Greenhouse Effect who had purchased ads in places like Flipside Magazine, Ben is Dead and Maximumrocknroll and Bam,..were one of those weird "Indie" garage bands of the under-world,.. they sent their tapes to labels like Sub Pop, Alternative Tenticles, and Sst Records along with trying to land a miracle deal at places like Geffen records and Capital EMI in Hollywood. "It was frustrating times,.. " says Higgins "because we knew we were the greatest band in the world ,..and there was just two of us - bassist Rick Carmody "Ted" and myself ,..I was playing both the drums and guitar in the studio but to play live we knew we needed a professional hard hitting drummer like me - but even better !,..that's when we discovered Marty Silva,..with him, we became L.A's most powerful three piece,..we were like the James Gang meets the Police meets 'A Noise Agency' meets Rush,..we developed awesome dynamics and it all came from Silva's big hitting of the skins AND WITH THOSE BIG ARMS ,. ,..he was so powerful, ..we fed off him,..he made us sound like a professional band that could immediately go play arenas,...we wanted to play the Great Western Forum ,..we were 'that' confident,..and we were 'that' good,...WE WERE INCREDIBLE LIVE - NO OTHER BANDS WANTED US TO OPEN FOR THEM ,..NO WAY !!" "Going Legit' was a very important album,..mainly because of the 'time' that it came out,..when we released it with Mark Theodore at Alternative Groove IN 1991 ,.. and Peanut Records in Lomita, was just such an exciting time for punk and alternative emo music,'Hey Negrita' was so muddy and powerful - the guitar chords so brutal!,....we were battling against people like Axl Rose who we hated and thought were so lame,.. we all wanted punk rock to take over,.. but then when punk eventually 'did' take over the scene,..I wasn't happy because I was like 'how the hell can you not include G.e."?? ....the glorious times were 'early 1991' way long before Nirvana hit the big time later on in the year on Geffen,...when Nirvana blew up big, it got too fucking big,..I wanted a piece of that prize,..and I never got it !! anyway,...we parted ways with Silva in like June of 91' ...and then we found this drummer dude named Greg Tarpley,...he was a bit different from Marty,..he was less powerful and heavy but he was tighter we thought,.. he kept an even beat,.,..VERY EVEN !...honestly, I..wish to God we could play with BOTH OF THESE GUYS ,..they both drum brilliantly and they both have a lot to offer,. HUGE DYNAMIC'S ,....'we played HUGE GIGS with Tarpley that were all incredible - awesome BUT WE PLAYED GREAT SHOWS WITH MARTY TOO !"!! I wish to God I had them all on film especially the gig where we played up at the Anti-Club in L.A. ,...that show was amazing,..we played "Fest 4" at Wilson Park in June of 91' with Greg Tarpley and that show I'll never forget,.. we were so good that we thought it was boring,..we didn't realize who we were; we were the first original 'jaded' rock stars idiots !! WE WERE THE 'REAL' NIRVANA ,..but at the time, No one knew ,..because punk and indie were still nowhere and Metal ruled the scene "!! I just remember that "Hey Negrita' and 'Star' felt so good at Wilson Park and our playing was so clean ,..I wanted to explain the Huge rock concept that I was creating ,...THE ROCK OPERA,.. the huge crowd audience was blown away by us because we were so powerful and we leaped about the stage with great performance,.. every song was clean,..Greg Tarpley on drums gave us the similar edge that Marty gave us,..he made us a power trio of power trio's !! the summer of 1991 was amazing,..people were uniting against glam metal,..people were coming together for alternative music,.. G.e. was leading the charge,.. we really thought it was gonna be us that gets that magical record deal with a major and then changes the world !!"

Now, today in 2004 - 2008 and 2009, ..I realize that I actually 'like' metal now again....I've discovered that punk people are not 'your friends' or the so called 'open-minded' types that they say they are'....Today,..I actually root for cheesy bands like Airbourne and Dragonforce,...I hope they rise up ...and destroy Kroq
now,..I fucking hate the Foo Fighters and shit like that ..and Coldplay ,... I think I see the Light now.."

..if nobody's gonna give me my chance,..then FUCK THEM !!"

1992 Would see more recordings and more gigs,..Great Songs,..but the energy for G.e was dying , Bassist Rick Carmody fled to join the South Bay Punk band ONE HANDED READERS as well as other bands ,..away from Hagins; "1992 ,..came and went fast, all ended real quick ,..just like that,." Says Hagins. "One day, I was on top of the World, the next thing I knew,.. it was like I was completely forgotten ,..almost like overnight ,.. and by 93', was like people forgot we ever existed at all ,.."

In 1993, Hagins attempted to "Join" a few new bands ,.. but the momentum was gone ,.. In 1994, He thought about maybe re putting together the "Early" version of G.e with guitarist Phil Keegan ,.. but it was clearly over,...  

Years later,.. 1995 and 96' saw Hagins release 2 G.e Cd's ,..his vision for THE ROCK OPERA WHITE SUBURBAN LIARS ,..HAD come to be ; "The final Product was amazing ,.. I had to trim out like 50 songs but the final 16 all sounded brilliant ,.but by 1996, the whole scene had changed and stuff like Rap rock and really lame shit was emerging,. I tried still ,..but it was over,.. but then ,..this guy named Dave in Torrance CA ,.he told me about the power of the internet ,.."

Greenhouse Effect - America The Beautiful Lyrics c1990

You don't like goin' to work
But you don't like bein' at home
You can't take bein' alone
But you can't stand anyone

The girl next door is in love
Yet she gives you the eye
But you don't give a damn
So lonely and cold is her home

America the beautiful!
Nothing can save us
America the beautiful
It's gone and raped us

Yer afraid of gettin' old
But thank God cause they can't draft you
Or me!

Crime in my mind
Doing time
Schwarzenegger on T. V.
I just wanna fly but together we can die
Very high

I'll surrender my love
Just make sure I get enough rope

"America the beautiful
One thing can free
Don't unlock it... And the wrong gods reign supreme"

Please take our hands
Lead us to promised lands
Someone please!
I'm to talking rap
Or some gun toting empty T. V.
I'm not talking stars or heroes who score
Or whores
I'm not talking bimbos
With long legs and beer galore... 

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America The Beautiful - GREENHOUSE EFFECT MUSIC AT ROCK CITY RADIO FM 2022 WORLD WIDE !! KROKQ-FM Live365 !!  #NFT   America the Beautiful (1991) Greenhouse Effect ...